大阪高槻・枚方の英会話・英語スクール|Heart English School




Heart English School 公式インスタグラム

[くずは本校]〒573-1122 枚方市西船橋2-7-5-103
[たかつき校]〒569-0071 高槻市城北町1-4-39-103




Q1.Please introduce yourself. 自己紹介をしてください。

I’m David. I’m from Australia. And I like to travel. I’ve been to a lot of countries around the world. I’ve been to South Africa, UK, America, Hong Kong. I’d like to travel a little bit more.


Q2.What do you like about working at Heart English School? ハートイングリッシュスクールで働く上で好きな点は?

The things I like most about working at Heart English School are how fun the classes are. I love the atmosphere in the class, and how energetic the students are. And I love that we can get them to participate so actively while using English.


Q3.What is unique about a Heart English School student? ハートイングリッシュスクールの生徒のユニークな点は?

So, the most unique things about Heart English School students are that when they speak, they can speak without a katakana voice. They can speak English very naturally, and that’s unique in Japan, especially when you have a lot of young learners. Another thing that’s unique about them is that they are very assertive and confident, so they can actually approach a teacher and start up a conversation with a teacher, which is something that’s unique. Even when you have a salaryman learning English, they struggle to do that kind of thing. I think the final thing that is very unique about Heart English School students is that they actually communicate. Which is the most important thing about learning another language. It doesn’t matter how much you can read and how much you can write of that language, if you can’t actually look at someone and communicate then you haven’t completely learned that language, and at Heart English School the students can do that.





Q1.Please introduce yourself. 自己紹介をしてください。

My name is Taylor Robinson, I am 21 years old, and I am a 4th year student at Ritsumeikan University. I enjoy spending my time dancing, coffee shop hopping with friends, and pretty much building up my educational background… anything that I can learn is usually something that I enjoy doing. So, whether it’s a new skill or learning about how to make cheesecake, something, anything, it’s usually something I enjoy to do in my free time.


Q2.What do you like about working at Heart English School? ハートイングリッシュスクールで働く上で好きな点は?

That’s not a hard question. I really enjoy the overall atmosphere and environment of the school, of Heart English School. I think for the most part it’s very difficult to find a working environment where everyone is collaboratively getting along at the same time. And it doesn’t feel as if, like, you’re being forced to really work, and like, get together and just be compatible. So what I love about our school environment is that everyone gets along well, we have a tendency, we could be teaching together and someone could come in and help with the topic and the lesson still moves on smoothly. We can be laughing and joking and it’s still very productive at the end of day, which is an amazing thing to see – especially in a school, which is the foundation of hope and development for the future. So I love the entire environment that Miki-sensei has created at Heart English School.

うちのSchoolでは全く働かされているという感じがしない上に、全員で助け合っています。 私がHeart English Schoolで働く上で特に気に入っているのは、一緒に教えたり、誰かが参加してトピックを手伝ってくれてレッスンがスムーズに進んだりと、外国人講師みんなで上手くやっていこうとする傾向があることです。

Q3.What is unique about a Heart English School student? ハートイングリッシュスクールの生徒のユニークな点は?

Let me tell you! There are many , many, many unique beings at our school. They are all amazing in their own right. I think what makes students at this school particularly special is that they’re really quick studies. You can tell that many of them are interested in what they’re doing. While some of them might not always enjoy the content of each and every class, at the end of the day they’re still working together to really understand English in its entirety, which is an amazing thing to see young students do. And especially older students too – kids who are in high school, or maybe after that, try to push to learn something together. I think that makes them particularly unique, especially for English students in Japan. I’ve seen many English students outside of the school, it’s all about solo studying, work by themselves, just learning vocabulary and content. But at our school it’s actually work together to create dialogue and conversation, which is an incredible thing to watch, and to watch them learn together. It’s a comfortable and really safe environment.

ぜひ、言わせてほしいです。私たちの学校にはたくさんの、たくさんの、たくさんのユニークな存在がいます。生徒自体が本当に素晴らしいのです。この学校の生徒を特に特別なものにしているのは、彼らが本当に素早く学習していることだと思います。ご覧になればお分かりになると思いますが、生徒の多くは彼らが学んでいることに興味を持っていることがわかります。一部の生徒は必ずしもすべてのクラスの内容を楽しんでいるというわけではありませんが、結局のところ、生徒は英語全体を本当に理解するために協力し合います。幼い生徒がそうすることはお互いにとって素晴らしいことです。そしてより年齢の高い高校生以上の生徒が、一緒に何かを学ぶために努力をします。特に日本で英語を学ぶ学生のなかで、そのような様子は彼らを特にユニークなものにしていると思います。Heart English Schoolの外で多くの英語を学ぶ学生を見てきました。彼らはすべて、自分で頑張り、単語と内容を身につけるというような1人での学習をします。しかし、私たちの学校では、実際に協力しあって対話と会話を生み出していきます。
Heart English Schoolは快適で本当に安全な環境です。


Q1.Please introduce yourself. 自己紹介をしてください。

Hi, I’m Sala. I’m from the United States. Currently, I’m in my 4th year at Ritsumeikan. I’m doing my bachelors in International Relations. My interests are: I love to read, I love painting, and in my free time I like to go cafe hopping with my friends all around Kyoto and Osaka.


Q2.What do you like about working at Heart English School? ハートイングリッシュスクールで働く上で好きな点は?

So, what I like about working at Heart English School is the fluidity that we get to experience, whether it be through teaching methods or schedule. Because we switch teachers around pretty regularly and I get the opportunity to not only meet new students, but I get to adjust the way that I teach to the way they learn. And that way everyone is operating in a better class environment and learning the best they can. And I think it’s really fun to get to meet new students.


Q3.What is unique about a Heart English School student? ハートイングリッシュスクールの生徒のユニークな点は?

So, what I think is unique about the students at Heart English School is the very family-like atmosphere they’ve created. They don’t have strict teacher/student rules even outside of the classroom. They’re very comfortable in approaching you and telling you all about their day or asking you about the necklace you’re wearing, or anything like that.
